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Dynamic Board Collective

Highly skilled individuals, working


to promote


goals of your board.


Collective Services

Board Governance Review


Assessment of corporate and organization governance, with recommendations for improvement around best practices.

Board Crisis Planning


Guiding your board in developing and implementing a thorough board-level crisis framework to complement the existing crisis planning by the company.

Board Evaluation


Assisting your board to establish and  measure performance goals.

Board Crisis Simulation


Preparing your board to react to and lead through crisis situations.

Board Observation


Independent and objective observation of board practices, operations and behavior.


Board Crisis Management


Supporting your board with external counsel and advice during a crisis.


Collective Vision

We believe boards should be dynamic, strategic and diverse. Our experts will work with you to strengthen the skills needed to achieve this and prepare you for the challenges you face as a board in an ever more complex world.


Individually, we gain satisfaction from seeing boards and stakeholders benefit from our knowledge, and collectively we have a greater impact.  


Collective Team

Collective Team

Vivian Lines - Pic.png

Vivian Lines


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Diana Wu David - Pic.jpg

Diana Wu David


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Raymond Reed Baker
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Contact Collecitve

Collective Contact

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